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Sort Features for Optimal Navigation


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Calypso 2021

I have questions about the windows that pop up when I try to "sort features for optimal navigation. What do the 2 windows mean? There are no patterns in the program. If you click No on the pattern window, the 2nd window does not appear.

optimize 3.jpg

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This is purely a hunch, but does your program have features in groups? That first message feels like a translation issue, im guessing what it is asking is if it should keep grouped features together or if it can split them.
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Yes, there are groups. Didn't think about that. Does this mean you can force groups to stay together regardless of the optimal order?
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The first window prompt is asking the create a different order for the patterned features. By clicking Yes, the function will order the features within the pattern to optimize the navigation of the stylus system from feature to feature. Clicking No keeps the order of the features as initially set up in the pattern.

Below is an example of clicking Yes to the first window prompt. The stylus system will measure from cylinders 1 through 8 sequentially, rather than as separate patterned features.
2844_19d572d2f5e08edfc802ca5806e3d2df.png The second window prompt is asking if you want to default to the order from the previous run. Clicking Yes is supposed to retain the order in the previous CNC run, at least that is my understanding. I haven't seen a difference between Yes or No though.
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