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This is my first time working with GD&T in Calypso. I'm trying to inspect the dimensions on a true position block of 238x350. Everything appears to be within tolerance. However, I'm not sure how to enable the "M" symbol inside the block.
I'm using calypso 2022. See pictures attached. Thank you,


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Slot is not feature for (M).
You can use "Plane Symmetry" or "Point Symmetry" from special geometry - it doesn't work on symmetry feature from contruction
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Typically, the width of a slot would be controlled separately from the length. In your case, the DAE has specified a diametral tolerance using the Ø symbol. In Calypso, a slot is not capable of doing any kind of size evaluation for MMC/LMC. However, there are ways to "work around" this limitation by using formulas. I believe there are some posts on the forum that address this topic. I will try to locate them for you.

Considering how slots normally functions, Martin's post will cover the width portion of the slot.
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