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Change speed per feature


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Does Calypso have the ability to change the Movement speed from feature to feature? I'm writing a drill pgm and would like the probe to approach those features at a slower speed. Thanks!
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There are three speeds you should be familiar with when programming Calypso. Babysitting the potentiometer on the control box gets old very quick and sometimes you just aren't fast enough to stop a fatal crash.

The first speed is the speed at which your stylus system travels during navigation. The default is 300mm per second (fast). This speed is only shown in the bottom right of the 'Start Measurement' window (after you hit 'Run'). I suggest when you begin programming, and until you prove out your programs, you keep this at 70mm/s or below.

The second speed you need to be familiar with is the speed of the stylus system before it contacts the part. This is found only in the 'Measurement Plan Editor Features' window, under the 'Travel' drop down menu, then 'Speed'. Think of this speed as the speed after navigation travel but before part contact. The stylus will slow down to this speed beginning at the clearance distance. I have been programming with Calypso for years and I still do not like watching a stylus system rocket into a bore to begin measuring. My personal preference is to set the clearance distance to half an inch, set the clearance distance speed to 10mm/s and let the machine slowly move the probe into the bore to do a measurement.

The third speed is the speed at which the probe scans the feature (assuming you are scanning). This can be found by opening the feature to be measured, clicking on the 'Strategy' button in the top right corner. Then click on your measuring strategy (circle path, polyline, etc). Here you will find the speed for scanning. Use the Zeiss Measuring Cookbook as a starting guide. You will quickly find what works best for your parts.

Your program should look like this when measuring - Stylus system navigates to your feature at navigation speed according to your clearance planes, then moves to measure your feature, slowing down to clearance distance speed when it reaches the clearance distance, contacting the part, scanning at your scan speed, then retracting off the surface to your retract distance where it will speed back up to navigation speed again, off to measure the next feature.
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