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characteristics order


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Hi everyone,

I made a crazy request with no hope last week and I got everything I asked for in here πŸ™‚

here is another question that I never dared to ask before

I have this parametric measurement plan that measures few diameters inside a cylinder.

I use two different probe based on geometry
1- straight down probe that is my first choice.
2- star probe that i use when i can't reach the diameter with straight probe

needless to say straight probe is faster, more rigid and i can scan complete 360 degree

probe selection is made in PCM using simple calculation based on size.

problem is in characteristics list i have to manually change the order of results in order to avoid needless and time consuming stylus system change.

i was wondering if there is a way for me to group/re-order characteristics based on stylus system using PCM or any other means.
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You can use a formula in the feature you want to delay creating a dependency. If you want diameter 4 to run after diameter 2, use a formula in diameter 4 (ex. actual diameter 2 position) and it will execute diameter 2 first to acquire the actuals.
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wow, this look complicated!
I like it πŸ™‚

this kind of codes are way too advance for me, to figure it out by myself.

can you help me set it up, please?

1- stylus system name is a Variable and in each feature's presetting I define the name/stylus-system based on conditions

2- first and foremost where do I add this code to? each characteristic's presetting, each feature's presetting or measurement plan's presetting? or somewhere different entirely

3- I have only two stylus systems. lets make it easy and call them "StylusSystem1" and "stylusSystem2". do I need to add these somewhere in the code?

you probably already regret it, but I really appreciate your help πŸ˜ƒ
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It's not that complicated, whats up with the lack of self-esteem? But just by reading it, I doubt it will not work for you since you set the probe in each features/(characteristics?) pre-settings. That means that the variable for the stylus system is not correctly calculated for each feature at the time of execution of the code. It will just be the same on everything or possibly error out?

How ever, we can easily fix Israels code so it does work for you. Or make a better one, using injections... πŸ˜ƒ

But thats an adventure for another day. (Really nice weather is Sweden this weekend.) Do you run your plans by the order of the charateristics or the features? I've heard that apperantly there exists some nutjobs that run by charateristics... πŸ™„
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Oh, how nice of you to suggest changing the whole approach. What if he has 200 programs and 800 para-files? Should he change them all? πŸ˜ƒ

There are only two stylus systems acc OP. Then just past this in pre-settings and change size condition, nothing fancy, easy to understand. The general recommendation is always, use as little pcm as possible, if you have to use it, stick to standard stuff, unless there is no other option:

feats = baseSystem().machine.inspection.allMeasElements

for i = 1 to feats.size
	for j = 1 to getParameterNamed(feats,i).technology.segments.size
		if getParameterNamed(getParameterNamed(feats,i).technology.segments,j).isCircle
			if getNominal(feat).diameter < 20 //Change this
				arr[1]=arr[1]+", "+qm()+feat+qm()
				arr[2]=arr[2]+", "+qm()+feat+qm()
	next j
next i

for i = 1 to 2
	for j = 1 to compute("list("+subStr(arr[i],3,len(arr[i]))+")").size
	next j
next i
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  • 3 years later...

Fellow 'nutjob' here.

With Order of Run by Characteristic, run your program and watch for the wasted probe changes to the rack. Take note of what features are subsequently measured which could have been measured earlier on first loading of their respective probes.

After the run is complete place Utility alignments strategically in your Characteristic list forcing those late features to be measured together with features of like stylus selection. In the utility alignment make the feature an origin in x, or y or so forth, as long as it is executable.

Do this once or if you add more features.

Order of run by characteristic exists for a reason.

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