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Probe storage cabinets


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What is being used to store probes that are not in use?
We have one Zeiss cabinet, but the cost is too prohibitive to think about a second or third one (I think it is about $1700 usd).
I am mainly interested on what's being used by members for XT and XTR style probes, something with a clear glass door.
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Our solution probably won't work for everyone as all of our probes are pretty small, for a VAST XXT, and we really don't have that many but we just have a clear tacklebox https://www.grainger.com/product/2HFR4?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2OPC6uG_hgMVUc3CBB2ttQAYEAQYBSABEgK-kvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds with some foam inlays for a few of our probe systems that don't get used very often so they don't take up prime real estate on our racks.

I have this tacklebox tucked in a file cabinet along with our extra stylus probes, parts, and tools. Maybe not the most secure option but I rarely have to crack it open so they seem to stay safe.
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We also thought about buying Zeiss cabinets some years ago, but also came to the conclusion they are way too expensive.
Instead I took some inspiration from the Zeiss system and made my own.

The base is a standard tool / file cabinet similar to this one:
https://www.hahn-kolb.de/Alle-Kategorie ... de/DE/EUR/

I bought one without any interior, instead I used square aluminum profiles and custom-made stylus holders milled from 8 mm black plastic panels. The holders (VAST and XXT) were made for peanuts by a local workshop:
127_289337250af3f7eebcc142ba72b80be5.jpg To hold the profiles in the cabinet, I used short pieces of standard angle profile for shelves:
127_e79098b7189c5fecbe4f5d3de9546d33.jpg One of these cabinets has room for more than 60 VAST stylus systems and cost half of the Zeiss cabinet, so I could make two for the same price 😃
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At the beginning we used to pay them in coconuts, but we both found them too difficult to handle, especially in big projects. So we agreed on peanuts 🤣
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