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Point Export/Import


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Hey CAD gurus...

We are trying to export points and then import them into Catia.
Is these a way to import them directly, without shuffling it through Solidworks?
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Are you talking about points from feature, or saving CAD model?

I had problems with loading CAD model in SW where curves and points visible in Calypso were not visible in SW
( little tweak with import settings in SW did a trick )
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My CAD-program is called "Rhino 6", there it is no problem.
I export points from Calypso into a .txt-file, then open it in Rhino.
The opposite way round it works too.

The same way I import points from Calypso into our Contourograph

Greets Jens
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Old "Excel to Catia" document attached that may not be prevalent today but, seems like it just doesn't like TXT or CSV files and has to be in the Microsoft ASC format.

We hired an Engineer a few years ago (he didn't stick around) that tried to push us to go with Catia because it worked better with surface modeling.
I found it odd that Catia and Solidworks were both owned by Dassault Systemes and in the process of evaluating the two software's, I researched the differences between the two and came up with this history document (also attached) that is funny to say the least.
Overall, Catia was going to cost 3 times what Solidworks cost and was quickly dismissed as an option.
Probably Too Much Information (TMI) but, if you like history, it's worth the read.


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Thanks Owen.
The Excel to Catia worked perfectly.
Any idea what the max number of points is that can be imported to Catia?
*Edit* looks like the magic number is 427!
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