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Radius on top of a cone


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I have this super simple part and measurement, but as it is often the case, cannot get it going because of the base alignment.
All I am interested is a R 0.01 radius measurement on the top of a cone on a 0.250 rod. I thought I could use the top for space rotation with Z+, no planar, the rod diameter for X and Y, and the top again for Z.
I plan to use a 0.5 mm stylus in the right horizontal (#3) position.
Can someone tell me why it isn't accepted by Calypso? And what would work? I tried many variations... to no avail.

Attached are some screenshots

Thanks for your thoughts


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The Spatial must be a feature capable of controlling 2 axes of rotation. Since a circle is a 2d feature, it cannot.

How about a cylinder from the OD, and maybe a point on top for Z
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Or, maybe use a cone for the Spatial and X/Y origin and point for Z. That might help if the sphere is not in-line with the cylinder.
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Well...I thought I had it, but it doesn't seem to find the part. It wants to go to the right and approach from there, but naturally runs into obstacles. My clearance plan is Z+, but still goes to the right.
Any idea what I do wrong?

here is a video of the move:
https://share.icloud.com/photos/09e_UFO ... eR_MYrZ2OA
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Use the cylinder OD as XY zero and spatial. Measure 2 equally spaced lines up
opposite sides of the cone. Intersect them. Use that intersection (Point) as Z zero
in a secondary alignment (XYZ). Assign that alignment to the tip sphere/radius.
Now the probe should hit the target spot on.
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I would use a straight down (Z-) stylus to measure the tip, You'll be able to measure a larger radius. I'd measure it as a sphere using probing points as opposed to scanning it. I'd also suggest and constraining XY&Z
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That sounds good, but the CMM cannot "find" the part, to me that is the bigger issue. Once the probe goes directly to the feature, I can change or manipulate the strategies, but it has to recognize the part location first, and I don't know why it doesn't
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By the way, I do use the 3mm down probe for the point on the top, and planned to use a .5 mm #3 right probe to scan the radius but I can try the 3mm down probe to touch off the radius, once it finds it and "goes" there
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Are sure you have the correct probe assigned to the point?
The screen shot shows the 3mm down probe assigned and that isn't a 3mm probe.
Go to the measurement plan editor and choose "Stylus" and take a screen shot of the probes assigned with the clearance group assigned beside it, that may help show the problem.
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Sorry, I didn't scroll far enough. Everything looks good here.

I would go to Resources > Utilities > Set Base Alignment to Zero.

Then run a manual alignment.
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