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specialrules.txt explanation required


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Is there someone that can explain and/or share some documentation regarding specialrules.txt file in Calypso? How to configure it? How to use it? In general how it works. I noticed this at the customer site - and I want to learn about it to utilise this knowledge in daily work.

Thank you for any support that is possible regarding this matter.
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Unattended installation with CALYPSO 2023.msi:
Special rules apply to installation by means of CALYPSO 2023.msi. Please
see the notes in >Installation with CALYPSO 2023.msi.

For CALYPSO 2023, a separate CALYPSO 2023.msi installation package
is available in addition to the setup.exe file. This format enables an inter-
face-free installation (silent installation) and centralized installation by
administrators (remote installation). This is particularly beneficial if multi-
ple CMMs and/or OFFLINE stations have to be managed. CALYPSO
2023.msi can be downloaded via the ZEISS Portal, if necessary. Please
contact our support team.
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This is not what I had in mind - I'm referring to specialrules.txt in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO 7.4\data\config
This file can connect information from userattributes.ini to Calypso F2 button on characteristics.6884_3364ba936e1f7035aa139a0db05aaae8.png
As per picture/attachment - you can see additional fields unlocked by this file. I would like to learn how to fully utilise this file for daily use.
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I've never used it and so not familiar with it. Maybe the following is of help (I couldn't find any more):
  • Take a look into the Calypso_basic_cnc maunal and search for userattributes.ini or User-defined characteristic attributes
  • [list=]
  • viewtopic.php?p=47066#p47066
  • [list=]
  • see attachment
  • PiWeb_ How to Add Characteristic Attributes - Carl Zeiss Industrial Quality Solutions, LLC.pdf

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    I'm familiar with use of userattributes.ini and userfields.ini files. How to make them, edit, add new elements. This specialrules.txt seems to be some king additional file that connects what is in userattributes file to Calypso pop-up windows like for rename on my example.
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    Yes, it's a file where you can activate some functions or edit standard behaviour.

    Some examples are turning on the "Subsequent evaluation, Automatic mode on the evaluation computer" upon Calypso startup, get results in simulation during a run, bringing back old behaviour for compabillity reasons, etc, etc. And as you showed activate some qdas fields.

    It can be useful in some specific usecases. But for the general user, not so much...
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    This is not for subsequent evaluation. From what I see - currently in Zeiss there is (or at least on this forum) there is nobody who could explain this. Any way Thank you for trying. 😃 😃 😃
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    Let's have another go at it. I'll see if I can make it clear enough so that even you can understand. (Pleace have in mind that english is not my native language.)
    The specialrules file can be used to alter standard behavior. (That means that calypso do stuff, it normaly does not. (Similar to the specialcase file.))
    There are currently 24 (twenty four) rules.

    One of the rules are: autoLaterEvaluation And that is certainly used to activate subsequent evaluation on the evaluation computer, automatically when calypso launches. 114_1264b605b341f551f88afb73e2fa0a4a.jpg
    A second rule is: gm_addposk2001 And that activates the "K2001 Number" field in the Name/Comment dialog. (Same as in your picture, well isn't that wonderful?) This has no connection to the userattributes file.

    Beyond the 2 (two) above. There are 22 (twenty two) more rules I could explain. Like adding error objects in the table files etc. But as I said, this is nothing for you to "utilise this knowledge in daily work". Maybe the first rule explaind here can be useful. Hence, why I bring it up. But for the average user like your self, probably not.

    I sincerely hope this made it a little easier to understand. Because I don't see how anyone could explain the functionallity in a more easily way then this. If you still don't get it, all I can do is pray for you. (I really made my best effort, adding pictures and stuff).
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    Sorry I misunderstood your inquire.

    Back in Calypso version 4.10 we had an issue with Calypso not converting MM to inch correctly when deriving data from 2D curves in a cad model and what would now be a patch to fix a glitch, they decided use the special rules.txt to fix the issue. I don't remember all of the details but, I've attached some documents I saved that may help explain how it works.

    It may be irrelevant, but more information available is always better than no information.


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    You missunderstood again, topic is about a textfile called specialrules.txt. Not the "special program" functionallity.

    specialrules.txt is little to less known since 99.99% don't need it.
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    Yet again:

    1. This has nothing to do with subsequent evaluation as system from where I took files and where I noticed use of that file is using 10 year old Calypso without automatic sub-sequent evaluation with upload from 2nd PC which was presented I think last year or 2 years ago. On that system they don't use sub-sequent evaluation and as far as I am aware they never did.

    2. there is connection to useratributes.ini file - as if k2001 will not be activated in this file function you mentioned will not work, as there will be nothing to activate/make visible.

    3. what can be utilise in daily work it is hard to decide - as you don't know with what I'm working and with what kind of customers who could utilise this if I would know more about it.

    4. Referring to someone as average user is below certain level of response which I did not expect from anyone on this forum and it is not to your decision will I be able to utilise this in daily work or not.

    5. It seems that you have some knowledge how to use this file - this knowledge could be shared with other Calypso users on this forum - if this is some kind of TOP SECRET thing or related to 2nd or 3rd lvl support - (which I dont think it is as it is set at customer site on only 1 system from several) you could say so.

    6. If I offended anyone with my statement in previous post that there is no-one here that is able to answer on my question - I sincerely apologies.

    Again I thank to all which were friendly and polite to try to help me, unfortunately it seems that - unless someone is expert looking for expert advice - there is no place for Calypso programmers like me.


    Thank you one more time.
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