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Training to use software for GOM HandHeld


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Hello guys.

My boss wants me to take a course to learn how to use the GOM hand held unit that we have at work. This is a Zeiss unit but I am not sure which one it is though I would assume its about 5 years old abouts.We had a guy come in a few years ago before I came but it was pretty much one day and it just showed how to scan and that is it.

We know how to scan parts, however the use of the software is the issue. I need to learn. I tried to search the courses and saw nothing about GOM there so I thought I would reach out here for suggestions.

Any help would be great. If there is more info needed on what software I can get it, but it is on a Zeiss provided laptop so I assume it is Zeiss provided software.

Quick edit. I have taken the basic course for the calypso course as we have a CMM also at work. There are parts that are better suited for a scan over the CMM.

Thank you
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Zeiss runs two different training areas for CMMs and (ex-)GOM. If you log into the portal and follow the Zeiss Academy Metrology link, you can branch to both. The area for GOM trainings is called Zeiss Quality Training Center.

I don't know how it's handled in your area, but when we sent a number of colleagues to a training for our hand scanner (T-Scan Hawk 2) it was basically just a 3-day GOM software class (Inspect), only the scanning device they were actually practising with was a T-Scan instead of the 'usual' fringe projecting scanner. I don't know if there are special trainings for the hardware device itself too.
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