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PCM: Circle Working Plane Points


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Distance D1:  getNominal("-B1-").measElement.projection.measure.distance1
Radius Offset D2:  getNominal("-B1-").measElement.projection.measure.distance2
Distance D3:  getNominal("-B1-").measElement.projection.measure.distance3
Number of Points:  getNominal("-B1-").measElement.projection.measure.numberOfPoints
Start Angle:  getNominal("-B1-").measElement.projection.measure.startAngle
Angle Range:  getNominal("-B1-").measElement.projection.measure.angleSegment.asDEG
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Hello Michael,

thank you for the PCM code that gains access to the "Relative Measurement - Three Points" window parameters. I am looking for PCM that gives access to the individual measurement points of the working plane, in my example 3 measurement points. Additionally it would be nice to retrieve the resultant/actual plane data from the N points, if available.

Thank you

Mike Roterdam
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For Instance you can access the points via
for i=1 to 3
aa=executeCode("|feat| (((feat:=Zeiss.Calypso.OMInspection active measElements nodeNamed: '"+ feature +"') projection measure generatePoints: feat geometry) at: " + i +") vector")
next i
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It appears the PCM code provided yields the nominal x, y and z coordinates of the working plane points. I would really like access to each nominal point and nominal vector, along with each actual point and actual vector in such a way to be assigned to the following list of variables:

NomWP1x =
NomWP1y =
NomWP1z =
NomWP1i =
NomWP1j =
NomWP1k =

NomWP2x =
NomWP2y =
NomWP2z =
NomWP2i =
NomWP2j =
NomWP2k =

NomWP3x =
NomWP3y =
NomWP3z =
NomWP3i =
NomWP3j =
NomWP3k =

ActWP1x =
ActWP1y =
ActWP1z =
ActWP1i =
ActWP1j =
ActWP1k =

ActWP2x =
ActWP2y =
ActWP2z =
ActWP2i =
ActWP2j =
ActWP2k =

ActWP3x =
ActWP3y =
ActWP3z =
ActWP3i =
ActWP3j =
ActWP3k =

I appreciate your help
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//working plane
workPlane=executeCode("(Zeiss.Calypso.OMInspection active measElements nodeNamed: '"+ feature +"') workingPlaneId")

for i=1 to 5
// norminal point
coord=executeCode("|feat| (((feat:=Zeiss.Calypso.OMInspection active measElements nodeNamed: '"+ feature +"') projection measure generatePoints: feat geometry) at: " + i +") vector")
// norminal vector
normVec=executeCode("|feat| (((feat:=Zeiss.Calypso.OMInspection active measElements nodeNamed: '"+ feature +"') projection measure generatePoints: feat geometry) at: " + i +") normVector negated")

NomWP[i]=point(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z, normVec.x, normVec.y, normVec.z)

// actual point with probe correction
coord=executeCode("|var| var:=((Zeiss.Calypso.OMInspection active actualPart geometry nodeNamed: '"+ workPlane+"')  points at: " + i + ") at: 1. (var vector) + ((var normVector) * (var probeRadius)) ")
// display(round(coord,4))
// actual Vector
normVec=executeCode("|var| var:=((Zeiss.Calypso.OMInspection active actualPart geometry nodeNamed: '"+ workPlane+"')  points at: " + i + ") at: 1. var normVector negated ")
ActWP[i]=point(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z, normVec.x, normVec.y, normVec.z)
next i
The nominal and actual value for the first point in your notation:
NomWP1x =NomWP[1].x
NomWP1y =NomWP[1].y
NomWP1z =NomWP[1].z
NomWP1i =NomWP[1].nx
NomWP1j =NomWP[1].ny
NomWP1k =NomWP[1].nz

ActWP1x =ActWP[1].x
ActWP1y =ActWP[1].y
ActWP1z =ActWP[1].z
ActWP1i =ActWP[1].nx
ActWP1j =ActWP[1].ny
ActWP1k =ActWP[1].nz
Use at your own risk!
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