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Crash avoidance advice.


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We have a cylindrical part that we run on a pallet in auto run. It has a large bore machined out of it with some features along that side that make it difficult to use the large bore for alignment of the part. At the bottom of the bore there is a plane with a raised cone with a smaller bore in the center. We've been using the small bore in the center. My question is this, when we run a pallet, it runs at the top speed when going from clearance plane Z into the bore, with no reduced speed for the clearance distance. Is there a way to allow it to travel at high speed between parts, but below the Z clearance plane move slower into the bore? For the planes at the bottom, the retract distance is fine, but since there is a vertical bore the retract distance is from the side of the bore, not from the clearance plane.
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Simple answer will hopefully be to just increase the clearance distance to some value less than the +Z Clearance plane, then reduce the speed on that feature in Feature settings editor > Travel > Speed... Changing the speed there should only reduce it from a secondary position, so the clearance distance, or a Position point in the strategy.

I believe the finer points of that behavior are version dependent though... older versions behave a bit different.
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Not sure if this is a recommended trick but something that I have done on a couple of programs where base/starting alignment requires a small diameter characteristic and I want to avoid the probe moving too fast to minimize the chance of a bad crash due to a misload is to add a "CMM Position" in the measuring strategy between the clearance data and actual feature measurement.

You can select exactly where you want the probe to come to a stop before it continues its measurement. I have it stop about an inch above the feature which forces it to come to a stop with a very brief pause before automatically continuing the program. I figure that this brief pause can give an attentive operator either time to stop the program if it looks like the part is misloaded or in the worst case the crash would not have as much force behind it and should be minor.

Another alternative is to select "Run slow through the first feature" in Run Mode if potential crash is likely to occur during the first feature measured but that also significantly reduces travel and scanning speeds and isn't very practical but I suppose is still better than a bad crash.
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