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REF - Diameters used to calculate MMC tolerance


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Hello Zeiss community
I had something pop up on my StandardProtocol PiWeb reports recently, a section being created toward the end of the report that lists out diameters that are being used for MMC tolerance bonus calculations. I do not see this on every report that has an MMC true position, so I am confused. There must be some extra setting active somewhere that I am not aware of. Anyone else come across this? 6544_e5e62a95c2080ad8fe745234f482c0e8.png
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I've seen this happen.
This happens when the user selects a modifier and there is no characteristic defined for the feature utilizing a modifier.
It is a default naming based on the Feature Name with a standard Calypso prefix.
You have to be careful when this happens, the tolerance is from some default values, they typically do not represent the actual tolerance of the feature using a modifier.
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I'm guessing you're trying not to show those values which are used for calculating MMC/LMC. Calypso does not create a characteristic out of the blue. But it does need the size of a feature (feature of size) to calculate the bonus tolerance for MMC/LMC.

Typically, this characteristic is created if the programmer was not paying attention to the popup that asked if they would like to create the characteristic while selecting MMC/LMC. It could have also been intentional. It will create that characteristic and place it at the end of the report. When programming, you can select the option to use a characteristic that is already created for that calculation if you have created it already. 

Those values look grouped, which tells me they were organized by the programmer. But if you don't want them on the report, read my post. They are very easy to hide. However, they still need to have the correct tolerances for the calculation, even if you can't see them.

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