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Repeating the curve measurement in a loop.


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I have a problem. Namely, I measure curve 1 and then fit the circle to the contour. Sometimes it happens that it does not fit the circle to the curve and I have no result in the report. When I repeat the curve measurement, the circle fits and I have a report with all the results. I wonder if it is possible to do so in the program that if I do not have a result in the fitted circle, it will repeat the measurement of curve 1 in a loop. Maybe someone has an idea? I will add that I do not have the PCM option.

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Before setting up a formula to re-measure, you can try:

Maybe easiest... just open up your Recalled Points - Right click and "Add Range Limits"--- Then modify your range limits to allow data to be pulled from a larger area in the directions that are needed.

If that doesn't work, you could also try:
Set up a local alignment if possible and measure the Curve1 using the local alignment ---then open up your Recalled Points - Right click and "Add Range Limits"--- then select the Feature Alignment --- then set/verify your Box Limits
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  • 3 weeks later...
There is a possibility that curve is not being calculated after measurement. You can try to add alignment with curve in it to full run or mini-plan - just force it to calculate curve.
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I have never experienced not calculated curve due to standard 5mm search distance.
But if there is instability of BA or parts are machined differently ( due part family for ex. ) then using alignment from curves is a good choice. But i use it especially for better accuracy - on active head it's doing dangerous moves if nominal point and actual position differs more than 1mm.

For adding range of points i often use special method for exact measurements. [list=1]
  • Make default curve
  • Make alignment from def. curve
  • Make duplicate of def. curve with it's alignment setted to CA from step2
  • Now you can make box selection where you can select it's boundaries relative to CA from step2
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