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Intersect! Darn you!


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Hi, everyone! I have a drill hole (cylinder) that crosses another wider cylinder. The feature call out is the point where the drill cylinder and the OD cylinder meet. There is a length from that intersect point to a ledge. Problem is that my intersect point keeps appearing underneath the part. Thought maybe this was a vector thing so I played with the start and end circles for the drill cylinder. I remembered in Pcdmis when making a pierce point construction that the vector was important. When I did a intersection on the front drill hole it worked great. However, that was between the drill cylinder and a plane. I'm at a loss here. Just need that darn intersection point to be where it should be! Thanks!


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To add to what David said, you will want the larger cylinder to be set to "shell" (it is just a checkbox next to the name of the feature), but the bore should probably stay as the axis. Also keep in mind that you will have two results (since the axis continues in both directions forever, so it will intersect on both sides), so make sure that you have the correct one selected (there should be an option just above the geometry to do that).
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Hi Tim.

Can you paste a screenshot of the feature window for the intersection?

You should be able to click the "shell" checkbox for each cylinder if appropriate. The shell option specifies that the construction is based on the surface of a feature rather than its axis.

Also, there should be toggle buttons on the same feature window for "result one" and result two" when applicable. This should help you create the desired intersection per print.
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First of all, you guys are CHAMPIONS OF MEN! Thank you, fellow scientists! 🤣
I was trying to play with the Shell boxes but the magic happened when I selected the 2nd results button!
I really appreciate it everyone! Thanks so much!

int 2.PNG

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Yup, often, things in Calypso are a lot harder than they seem like they should be if you don't know exactly what to look for or what things mean. I guess providing a forum for us is Zeiss' substitute for making their software more self-explanatory.
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