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True Position using Polar angle


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Hello forum,

This is the first time encountering this issue. My feature tab is displaying an angle which I cannot find out where its coming from.
Alignment: I'm aligning my part using the top plane to level, center at the center bore, and rotating to one of the holes and rotating back (31°) to make it orthogonal.
Issue: Angle should be170° but its showing 162°

Not sure what is causing this! Any help? My true position is measuring .084 due to the 162°

angle rotation2.JPGangle rotation.JPG

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Angle A2 is displaying correctly. However the true position is using 162° to calculate which I do not understand.
I have inspected the part manual on the surface plate and angle plates, the worst result is .010. Just trying to understand where the number is coming from.

angle rotation3.JPG

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