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Question about loading a second CAD model


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Goodmornig all,
Is it possible to load a second CAD model and overlay it onto the one already in use? Let me explain: I've created a program for a part number, and now I need to measure another part number that is geometrically the same, except for some sensor bosses. In the first program, I had to rotate the CAD model, so when I load the second part number's CAD model, it's rotated differently compared to the first one. How can I overlay them without having to recreate the entire program? The alignment is RPS. I tried redoing the alignment by selecting the datum points from the second CAD and using the first as a reference, but with poor results.
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First of all to mention - this will screw any FF evaluation.

To align model. The best way is to align second model in separate program, then save this model, then load in main program.
If model have some common features ( like cylinders, planes, ... ) it can be aligned manually by comparing features origins in CAD -> Modify CAD entities -> Transformation
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If you will use FreeForm and profile where geometry will be taken from model face, then overlaping models will be a problem.
You can go to Hirearchy ( same window like Transformation ) and select second model as "Part", but i think i got some errors on evaluation.

I had once a program with rotated part, so i could measure it from both sides, but i had to repair model ( two models joined into one, so you can not move only one model ). I think it was saying that measured points is not laying on a model.
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Hi Alessio. I often work with multiple CAD models in the same measurement plan. Calypso calls each piece of 3D information a "CAD entity." Note that using the simplification option on the "Heal CAD Model" window fuses all CAD entities into one.

It is definitely possible to overlay more than one entity when needed. Martin mentioned an important point regarding the implications this has for freeform profile evaluation--because profile of a freeform surface defines its nominals from the CAD model. However, overlay can be useful for comparison tasks and visual programming as long as you know what you're trying to accomplish.

The way I usually overlay more than one model is by loading the first object and positioning it with a base alignment. Then, I load in the second model. After I load the second object (once again, avoiding the use of the simplification tool), I extract a few features that can show me the offset of the new entity from where I want it to be. For example, I extract a plane that is normal the the z-axis space plane, view it's z value. Then I open "modify cad entities", click on the object I want moved under the hierarchy tab, and then I go to the positioning tab and enter the inverse value--for example, if the z value of the object I want moved says 1 inch, I enter negative 1 inch. Then I click "apply" in the positioning tab.

I can spell it out more clearly if needed. I hope you're able to get your overlay task to work as intended.
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Thanks for your replies. I made a comparison between the two programs by measuring the common elements first with the original program (where there is only one CAD model) and then with the program where I overlapped the two CAD models. The results are almost identical, so for my purposes, this solution of overlapping the models without repairing them works well.
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