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Calypso parallel installs and file named cmmos.dll


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I have ran into an issue where I have installed Calypso v2016, v2017 and v2022.
Both v2016 and v2017 were operational.
After installing v2022 and making it operational, both v2016 and v2017 failed to run anymore.
The error had to do with files (in both install locations) for "cmmoss.dll".
I haven't been able to find anything in the knowledge base for "cmmos.dll" issues.

Unfortunately, and odd for me, when I uninstalled all Calypso installs, purged all folders and registry entries (had to be done due to registry errors), I didn't save the log files.

So...before I install v2022, has anyone ran into a "cmmos.dll" issue?

cmmos.dll files for Calypso multi installs.jpg

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This error comes up after installing Calypso v2022 SP7.4.24.00. 😭

Once this happens, you can't exit Calypso unless you "End Task".

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Hello Rick,

"Could not load library" usually indicates some sort of issue with KMGIO.dll. I've never seen an issue with the particular CMMOS.dll you mentioned, and sometimes those error files can be hard to read (e.g. even though it mentions the cmmos.dll file, it might be the calling file and not the file with the issue itself). I unfortunately do not have any error logs handy from the last time I've seen it either, though, so I don't know if it calls out the same error.

Here is a link to the knowledge base article on "Could not load library", but I would probably also find the kmgio.dll files (listed in the knowledge base article), delete them and then try to reinstall.

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the kmgio files are what the v2022 SP installed, there was two entries listed in the install dialog box.

And now I am confused.
I performed a search on Drive C for "kmgio.dll", no files were found.
Searching the folders in the knowledgebase article found no files with that name.

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(They are not hidden as far as I can tell).
Note: Calypso v2022 seems to be working fine.

Attached is a screen shot of all kmgio*.* files found.

kmgio search drive C.png

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It is possible that those files got deleted. Very strange, but not entirely unheard of. I might double check by going into C://Windows/System32 and C://Windows/SysWow64 and search for the files in there (Windows search can sometimes miss things if you aren't searching in the exact right spot), but if you can't find it there then I would try an uninstall and reinstall of whatever version you are trying to run.

Alternatively, I have fixed stuff like this by moving files from computers that are working. It's not my ideal method, but does work at least sometimes. Just keep in mind that these are different files, so I usually would copy the one from system32, rename it kmgio32.dll and then copy the syswow64 one, name it kmgio64.dll, move them to the correct places on the new computer and rename both back to kgmio.dll.
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(1) I noted I had also looked into both of these folders and did not find the files.
Uninstalling v2022 seems to further corrupt the installation of SQL SDCO, I have documented this issue, and it repeated itself during three attempted installs. The first time it happened it was v2024 (Documented on this forum), the second two times it happened was v2022 (also documented on this forum).

(2) I will give this a try, thank you.

Is kmgio.dll required to run Calypso (Any version)?
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Still needs it. Even on my offline seat if I delete it get similar errors. It's just something Calypso checks at runtime, even if it doesn't need to communicate with a controller.
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Ok, how is Calypso v2022 working fine without these files?
I am 100% certain they are not on my hard drive.

Am I looking for a typo from these posts?
It is:
Killo Mike Golf India Oscar
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Kyle Johnson
You were correct on the KMGIO.dll files and locations.
I used copies from an active CMM and now all three of my installs are working.
When I pasted the files there was no prompt to overwrite existing files.

Thank you for all the help.
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