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Blank Warning Dialog of Death!!!!


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Hi all,

Had a minor collision on CMM - Probe into part, no damages - speed was slow enough.

Unfortunately I have been met with a 'warning' pop up (attached), which I can't seem to close. I can move the probe around with the joystick, and move the CAD model in the software; but am unable to click on any icons or features/characteristics in the software (including SAVE 😠 )...had this previously and have had to ctrl, alt, del and close the software in task manager.

Wondering if anyone has any fixes for this without closing the software completely and losing any progress...


Warning dialog of death.JPG

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2-3 times to see if it allows you to cancel the current command that is holding the window open. If this is unsuccessful, you may need to force-close.
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Hello Jack,

Hopefully this isn't too late, but just a couple of ideas:

1. Can you try to red light/green light the system (maybe even try turning the drives off to force it if you can't click on the window)?
2. Have you tried "Ctrl+Y" on the keyboard. That acts like an interrupt in Calypso. It doesn't always work, but it might be worth a shot.
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You can also hold Ctrl while clicking the "X" to close the window. This functions as a sort of override close of windows, ignoring some conditions that would normally prevent them from closing. This can be very useful if you accidentally create a self-referential loop in a feature, that you cant get out of because every time you try to it warns you of the reciprocal dependency
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