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Symm of two cyl with M


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Hi fellows,

is there a way to implement this without newer "Two cylinders" feature? I am not sure if this callout even make sense.

Base C is placed on dimension of two cylinders as symmetry. Where on earth is (M) applicable for this base?
I would agree that diameters of those cylinders would make a (M) in symmetry base callout more sense then it's symmetry.

Some data ( in mm, all cylinders are ID ):
  • Two cylinders are like grooves - whole part from side makes an "E" shape
  • Tolerance on diameters: +0,13/-0,00
  • Tolerance on distance of cylinders: +0,13/-0,13
  • Symmetry of a threaded cylinder: 0,6
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Sorry guys - i am still at 2017 - god knows how long i'll strugle with IT and new PC ( we have one machine with one pc ).
I've sent twice pc specifications for win10 system - i still get HP workstation system with K processor and PSU beast ( what a waste of money ).
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