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Thru holes on an elongated torus


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I have this part I need to program and am having some difficulties with this one. I need to program 8 through holes, normal to the Z axis. But, they are on what I am calling an elongated torus. I am attaching a photo of the part. I am not sure how I am going to get the holes to check. I need to have the size and X Y locations for the holes. I tried sectioning the holes, but they are curved in 2 directions so the sectioning does not work. Any help would be great. Thanks.

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I would use circles and projection.
As strategy use points as long as you have certainty you touch at right places. If needed rotation stop i would use probe shaft to just get center of unknown cylider/circle.
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Switching to wireframe view. Extract 3d curves from each circle, recalling each curve into
a circle feature. I see two wireframe curve paths inside each circle divided by what looks
to be a very short cylinder. Whichever of the two you extract; you'll need to open the curve
and move it (up or down) into the middle of the circle.

Nominal Data > Nominal Geometry manipulations > Modify Nominals. Translate it there.
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