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"Heat Map" with tactile probing


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Good afternoon Zeiss community
I am fairly new to Calypso and have not had training yet. My management is requesting a "heat map" of my scan results. I currently am using a tactile probe only. To my understanding, heat mapping is primarily for laser and optic equipment, but I have worked with software before that will allow the user to extract tactile scan points and put them in a point cloud which can then be used to create a heat map.
Is this possible with Calypso tactile? If not, what other options are available for graphic representations of scans? Any resources and pointers are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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If you use profile callout and enabled CAD evaluation, then it will show you that "heat" map. On laser scans you get whole surface colored - on tacticle you will get color on measured point. I rather use cylinders and adequate diameter.
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Hi Loren. Thanks for bringing up this topic. It's a great question and one that is often misunderstood.

Deviation "Heat Mapping" is one of the most powerful aspects of tactile scanning (which is significantly more precise than non-contact scanning). The point density and scale of deviations is customizable. I'm often tasked with exporting scanned points and deviations to a .dxf or .txt file to aid in tool correction, process improvement or CAD generation.

Calypso excels at providing on-screen, color-weighted visual reporting.

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Hi Loren,

Yes, the on-screen visualization of deviations is adjusted through the CAD Visualization window. It's a very important part of Calypso. It would be nice if it were given better real estate in the user interface to make it more obvious.

The process really has three parts:

1 - Nominal Geometry like CAD elements or acis geometry constructed in Calypso

2 - Actual Geometry as calculated by features/characteristics

3 - Deviations of measured points

Besides using the on-screen visualizations to communicate, you can also export measured actual points in lots of different formats like .dxf and text.

One tip, when you communicate geometry with color-mapped deviations, it's a good idea to also communicate the magnification factor. Doing so can help prevent miscommunication.
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