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Stylus System Creator and Disk Styli


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I am trying to create a custom Disk stylus, the only option I seem to have is using a Cylinder Stylus and modifying the values to simulate a Disk.
I don't understand what is required after applying the modified Cylinder. See attached image.
Without any attachment in either of the shown axis, I can't import the SSC file to Calypso.
It just comes up as failed.

Stylus System Creator really needs more options other than what Zeiss gives us.


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The generic cylinder is a extension/cube, not a probe, so it's looking for attatchments.

I'm not sure how it would behave in simulation either.

Why can't you use one of the actual disc styli in the tree? they have a range of 20mm ones. You just may have to get creative with extensions to match the real world length you're going to have.
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There are no options for a Ø20mm x 0.5 wide disk.
I did manage to get this working, most likely not 100% but darn close.

In case anyone wants to use this simulated Disk, the screen shots and SSC file should get you to where it is useable in Planner.

Rename file "R_20x30_M2_M3 Disk.ssc.txt" to "R_20x30_M2_M3 Disk.ssc".

With data from Stylus "2", just transfer the vectors and coords to appropriate areas.

R_20x30_M2_M3 Disk.ssc.txtCapture -Z.PNGCapture +Y.PNGR_20x30_M2_M3 Disk.PNG

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