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Radius vs. Diameter reporting


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This is kind of silly, but I forgot how to report an arc as a Radius as noted on the print as opposed to a Diameter as Calypso defaults to. I usually report in diameter, so hardly use Radius, and I know it is simple, but not really intuitive, it seems to be hard to find.
Can someone please tell me how to switch from DIA to RAD on the report?

Thank you

rad vs dia.JPG

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Resources-Feature Representation-Add feature to list-Click circle you added-Change from diameter to Radius. I read Calypso 2024 makes this much easier, but I haven't installed it yet
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Thank you much. It would be so practical if the user could make that selection right at the page where the "D" is checked for report, and there could be an "R" there instead of the "simple" 5-6 steps that must be remembered...
Thanks again !
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Well, I thought I had it, but it still reports as diameter, despite I changed it to Rad. I naturally pressed "OK" after selecting the "Rad", but when I view it, it doesn't have a green check mark next to it like all other features do.
What am I missing here?

rad vs dia-2.JPGrad vs dia-3.JPG

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You can do as Richard suggested. I'm guessing you didn't delete the diameter characteristic. Try deleting the diameter characteristic and go into your feature and check Radius again. It will show up as radius on your report
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