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How to slow a probe down when entering feature


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How do I set a travel point above a small hole and then use a slower speed to enter said hole before measuring?

It seems the calypso likes to go its maximum rapid travel speed when entering features, which makes me nervous sometimes especially with small probes and small holes.

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This sounds exactly what I am looking for. This speed is in mm/s? Default seems to be 250.

Where does it start to do its reduced movement though? If it had to do a tool change to measure that feature, would it travel all the way to the rack and back going slow? Or would it go to its clearance plane at normal rapid speed (I assume the rapid speed is the speed defined under start measuring on the right side?) and then use the reduced speed from feature settings editor?
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The reduced speed is used when approaching, from the point when the stylus is positioned above the feature (still outside the clearance plane - which can be annoying when the distance between plane and feature is very long) to the point before it first touches the part. Retract movements are done with rapid speed. I never tried what happens when probes are changed during a strategy, but I assume (hope 😉) it'll move to the rack and back with rapid speed too.
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  • 2 years later...
When you want to slow the stylus down before entering a diameter use a clearance distance in the feature and slow down the speed in the travel section mentioned in a previous post. The probe will rapid to the clearance distance and then slow down. The probe will exit the clearance cube at the slow speed and then the normal travel speed will resume. The clearance distance is the key to making it a little faster. There was a time I believe 5.0 an older where it would only be slow to the clearance distance in and out but it has been 10 years since it has worked like that.
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As mentioned there are a few different ways to do this but I would say the easiest way is to use CALYPSO "Missing Bore" feature. By turning this ON under Projection > Missing Bore you can set a search distance at which CALYPSO will slow the probe down anticipating that the bore could be missing. In your case it sounds like that wont be an issue but at least you can leverage it to slow things down. Here is a link to the ZEISS Knowledge Base with more details:

https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=540011 822_4957109400eb98575fd892613d498f78.jpg
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There are three speeds you should be familiar with when programming Calypso. Babysitting the potentiometer on the control box gets old very quick and sometimes you just aren't fast enough to stop a fatal crash.

The first speed is the speed at which your stylus system travels during navigation. The default is 300mm per second (fast). This speed is only shown in the bottom right of the 'Start Measurement' window (after you hit 'Run'). I suggest when you begin programming, and until you prove out your programs, you keep this at 70mm/s or below.

The second speed you need to be familiar with is the speed of the stylus system before it contacts the part. This is found only in the 'Measurement Plan Editor Features' window, under the 'Travel' drop down menu, then 'Speed'. Think of this speed as the speed after navigation travel but before part contact. The stylus will slow down to this speed beginning at the clearance distance. I have been programming with Calypso for years and I still do not like watching a stylus system rocket into a bore to begin measuring. My personal preference is to set the clearance distance to half an inch, set the clearance distance speed to 10mm/s and let the machine slowly move the probe into the bore to do a measurement.

The third speed is the speed at which the probe scans the feature (assuming you are scanning). This can be found by opening the feature to be measured, clicking on the 'Strategy' button in the top right corner. Then click on your measuring strategy (circle path, polyline, etc). Here you will find the speed for scanning. Use the Zeiss Measuring Cookbook as a starting guide. You will quickly find what works best for your parts.

Your program should look like this when measuring - Stylus system navigates to your feature at navigation speed according to your clearance planes, then moves to measure your feature, slowing down to clearance distance speed when it reaches the clearance distance, contacting the part, scanning at your scan speed, then retracting off the surface to your retract distance where it will speed back up to navigation speed again, off to measure the next feature.
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There are two settings I adjust for small or precarious features:

1. Travel speed:

- actual speed that the the machine moves to approach the feature of interest


2. Probing Dynamic:

- approach deceleration i.e. the velocity change that the machine makes during stylus vectoring in order to minimize error. This option is available for active sensors such as VAST. Passive sensors such as XXT have a similar option called sensitivity, but it is not nearly as capable.


The "Missing Hole" setting that John B. and Charles T. mentioned is also a great option for reducing collision risk.
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If you slow down the travel speed of a feature, it will go slow all the way. And if you need to change probes to scan that feature, it will move slow after it changes probe all the way until it reaches the feature which could be very slow if you have a long table.
here's a solution.
Create a group. Set the speed of the group to default. But set the speed of the actual feature to 10 so it goes slow.

That way it goes the regular speed you chose in the run window when its moving around the part but when it gets close to that feature, it slows down to 10.

travel speed.PNG

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If you look at my image, lets pretend that circle3 in group 1 is scanned using a different stylus system. Normally the machine will go at the regular speed chosen during the start-run window and keep going at that speed to go change probes then come back to the part to scan that feature.

If you change the speed of circle 3 to 10 without groups, then after it goes to change probes, the speed will drop to 10 after the probe change and travel using 10 speed from the rack all the way to the part and to the feature. Depending on the length of the table on your cmm, that could take a WHILE.

Now if you use groups like i have it set up, where the group speed is setup at default(**) but the individual feature is set to 10. The probe will go do its probe change, and travel to the part at regular speeds and only slow down to speeds 10 when its close to the feature.

So they behave differently with and without groups. I figured this out from a lot of trial and error lol.

travel speed.PNG

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