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Evaluation of Characteristic not possible


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We seem to be getting these warnings more often on one of our Micuras. It has been a very minor inconvenience so far, cleaning the part and rechecking usually solves the problem. But when we get that warning it seems that NO points were recorded. This leads to the "Too many iterations for the feature calculation" warning. A quick cleaning and the part usually checks good. In our very fast paced production environment it's becoming an annoying waste of time. Any tips to reduce its frequency?
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Pick a feature this is happening on.

Post screenshots of everything, the geometry window, the strategy(ies), and the evaluation settings.
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Dave - Like Michael was asking, it really depends on the feature/evaluation/strategy to be able to offer tips on how to fix the error, but, when troubleshooting, sometimes it helps if you look at the feature then right click in the CAD window and show masked points. It could give you insight into why the points are being masked, if it's hitting something or maybe scanning too fast to pick up points? That could help at least point towards how to correct.
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Sorry, this job is highly confidential. I was not given enough information to start with. The feature is really small, and the probe was falling over an edge. I have corrected the problem. Thanks for the input !
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