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Calypso won't delete actuals - Can't manually align part


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Hello hello, having a bit of a head scratcher here, unsure of how to proceed:

I created a program on our offline/simulation seat. When I went to run it in simulation, I noticed something odd: If I ran it from characteristic list, even with "Clear existing results" checked, it would just quickly run through the characteristic list and burp out a report as though I was running it with the actuals intact. Switching the Order of Run from Characteristic to Feature seemed to fix it though, so I quickly forgot about it.

Now I am trying to run it on the online/CMM seat. When I do, that odd problem persists. Worse still, switching Order of Run to feature has me manually align the part like usual, but once I do and it switches to CNC mode, it's as though it throws out the manual alignment and goes back to whatever phantom data it seems to have and the probe travels all the way. This persists even if I highlight all the characteristics and right click -> Delete Characteristic and Feature Actuals; If I go into the alignment and click the manual alignment button, it just auto-populates itself with that same phantom data and doesn't bring up the manual alignment box as it should.

This is something I've never seen before and I have no idea how to proceed short of remaking the entire program which would be a huge pain. Has anyone seen this glitch before or knows how to fix it? Thanks!
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My first suggestion would be to go to Resources->Utilities->Set Base Alignment to Zero, and try that. It should wipe out any data in the base alignment and hopefully fix this issue. You will need to perform a manual alignment after doing this (can be done either by setting the alignment to manual alignment, or by going to the base alignment window and choosing "execute Run Now" button in the lower right). 2915_8a54613ccea49936a9827fbdc7163113.jpg
If not we can go the more extreme route, which would be going into the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO X.X\workarea\basesystems folder and delete the folders for the base alignment(s) (there may be cnc and non-cnc versions in there). This would also require a manual alignment, as above.
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Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, neither worked. When I go into the base systems file and delete both files (CNC and Non-CNC) for the program, trying to do a manual align again (either through the run window or the alignment window) just re-creates the file in the base systems folder and the problem persists.
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For removing measured data you have to go into program folder, there is a folder with measured data - just delete all files in there. Same can be with temp folder. Keep only zmp files.
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I just tried this - deleted everything in geoactuals & temp folders and deleted the "actuals" file in the main program folder - but this also didn't work. The files stayed deleted but it still re-created that base systems folder and won't let me manually align.
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I would just create a new measurement plan as a worst case.

You can also copy and paste features/characteristics from one open measurement plan to another open measurement plan.
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Zachary - Double check that the base alignment window is completely filled in and that your features that are part of the base alignment have strategies associated with them, it will skip features if strategies aren't associated since it doesn't know what manual points you want to take. Do you get any errors in the status window?
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Longshot question, but do you utilize any PCM in the program or via external PCM files? Maybe a command is triggering at the start and executing before the alignment starts, somehow
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Post a picture of your Base Alignment, and your Start alignment if you're using one.

Is the program sensitive? You could email it and one of us can see if we have the same issue.
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In that case I would bring your cad (if you have it) into a new program(name it differently than the old program), create the base alignment from scratch, and then copy over the features, then secondary alignments (if used), and then characteristics from the malfunctioning program to the new program, as others suggested. This will "recreate" the program without having to do it all from scratch and hopefully fix the issue, or at least help identify where the issue is coming from via process of elimination.
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Are you sure your online seat didn't get switched to simulation somehow? Do the report actuals look real data or like dispersion is activated.

go to Extra>settings>CMM and make sure you are not in Simulation. (my box is greyed out because this snip is from my offline seat)
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I work for an aerospace company and all of our parts are sensitive and ITAR controlled, I unfortunately can't share anything, I'm sorry 🙁

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No, not in simulation mode. Unless its somehow stuck on even when it's toggled off, but I don't think our online seat even has the simulation license to be turned on in the first place.

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This fixed it! Sorta. It gave me additional trouble first, but I was able to get around it. I didn't know you could copy/paste between programs! Thank you for that knowledge that will save me so much time in the future.

I did what you suggested; Started over with a fresh program and CAD model, created my alignment the old fashioned way, then copy/pasted in first my features, and then my characteristics. Lo and Behold, I was able to perform a manual alignment and run the part.

But then a strange thing happened: When the run finished, all of my features now had nominals as expected, but my characteristic list still had all the old data from the simulation (read as: all 0.00000) and wouldn't update no matter what I did (ex. I tried hitting run but leaving the "Clear Data" box unchecked, and I also tried just running the whole program again). I ended up having to nuke my characteristic list and start over from scratch, but THIS finally fixed it and the program is functional.

I truly have no idea what happened here unless this was a one-in-a-million glitch on Calypso's backend. I tried all the suggestions given by all of you (thank you by the way!), and I am fairly confident it isn't a simple mistake on my part. But the above fixed it for me!
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