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Variable MATH not Mathing.


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Hi everyone, I have passed PCM class and am a fairly avid PCM user, however I'm stuck at a simple task that is not working for me.

I would like to assign a variable for a Z height of a point, then Assign a tolerance (0.010") then assign a variable for Min tolerance = MYVAR-TOL and max tolerance : MYVAR+TOL, because this code will likely be use on multiple parts and simplifies things.

Doing the following, by adding 2 VARs that have numbers seems to just combine them, for example this code
//Get Part Nominal Z value
PTZ=formatL((getNominal("Point FIND Z").z),0,5)
message("Z Nom is : "+PTZ)
// assign var to max limit

MAXZ=getNominal("Point FIND Z").z+0.010

//adding variables doesnt seem to work here

Assuming the PTZ = 9.3000 The message MAXZ = correct value 9.400, the message for MXZ (when I add 2 variables) is 0.0109.300 or something similar. If I tried PTZ+TOL it would show 9.3000.010.

However when I try simple math such as :
This produces expected result and message = 7.

Am I missing something here, or should I avoid adding VARiables ?

Thank you !
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Hey Chris!

The issue is data types!

formatL / formatR / format return a string.

The 2nd line, PTZ becomes a string. Which causes TOL to become a string when adding them together.

It looks like when doing addition that involves a string, everything gets turned into a string.
  • The number 9.3 becomes formatted to "9.300"
  • The number 0.01 becomes "0.010"
So "9.300" + "0.010" = "9.3000.010"

Consider using round instead of format to keep the data type a number?

If you have to display the number, maybe use format on the fly instead of assigning to a variable?

PTZ = getNominal("Point FIND Z").z       // or round(getNominal("Point FIND Z").z, 5)
message("Z Nom is : " + formatL(PTZ, 0, 5))
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Hello Chris,

I think what is happening is the way you are defining PTZ is making it a string rather than a number. One way around it would be to define PTZ as "getNominal("Point FIND Z").z)" and then make another variable PTZString as "formatL(PTZ,0,5)". Alternatively I believe you can case the original PTZ as a number if you use "val(PTZ)" at that end part.

I hope you find this useful.
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Andrew, got it makes perfect sense.


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Thanks guys, yes makes perfect sense now.
Mondays I guess ...
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