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Translating machine to part in simulation


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What's the best way to translate either the simulated machine, or just the probe column, to line up with my already established part alignment? I realize the proper way is to do it is to align the part CAD to the machine before establishing features+alignment and I may start doing that now, but I've already partially programmed this part my dumb way and just wondering if I can fix it at this point. I don't want to move the part CAD around to the sim machine because it's lined up with features I already made using it, unless there IS an easier way to just do that?

I mainly just want the column lined up correctly so I can figure out ideal RDS angles in offline, not so much worried about full blown simulation with workholding models and stuff yet. I'll worry about that later.

New to simulation but not new to programming. Usually I can wing it and handle clearances and RDS angles around my workholding without simulating, but I have a part that I've already partially programmed and now I need to grow up a bit and start learning offline simulation like a big boy. Mostly I'd just like to learn because we're starting to get busy and I might not have as much opportunity to iron out this kind of stuff at the actual machine that's busy running parts.

Screenshot 2024-07-12 145911.jpg

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With that part configuration I think it would be easier to pick the part, it will turn purple "ish" and move it with Translation. you can move it at first with all three axis then switch to one axis when you get closer to the right location.
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