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Positionstoleranz und Profilform gemäß Abb. 8-24


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Ist in der Zusatznorm ASME Y14.5.1:2019 näher festgelegt:

Absatz 8.3.1 Abschnitt (a)

(a) Definition. A profile tolerance zone for a continuous true profile is constructed by sweeping a line segment of length t0, where t0 is the specified tolerance, along each point on the true profile. The line segment is kept normal to the true profile at each point. If the line segment intersects the true profile at another point, the line segment shall be truncated at that intersection. The profile tolerance zone is the union of line segments obtained from all points on the basic surface. A maximum material boundary (MMB) and a least material boundary (LMB) are created, each one a locus of endpoints of the line segments.
The disposition of the generating line segment follows the disposition indicated by the tolerance specification.
See Table 8-1 and Figures 8-1 through 8-4.
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