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Stylus System Plate "Click! Click!"


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After picking up the stylus system, my beautiful Vast XT Gold <3 has started making a "light" clicking noise, as it "engages".
Everything qualifies fine... and sometimes it does not make the clicking sound (but it ususally does), and twice in the last two days I have had to do a manual pickup, due to the stylus system plate not engaging.

Has anyone experienced this?
Is there any PM (cleaning) that I can do?
...should I just order a new onem now? 😭
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That may happen when the 3 cylindrical rolls on the plate don't make proper contact with the 3 ball pairs on the head. The CMM then tries switching on the magnet again to pull the plate closer to the head. That may be the clicking noise you hear. Some time ago when we still had Promax racks, this was the normal way of probes being picked up. The head would first move into the rack, pick up the stylus, then move out and pull the stylus up a second time.

I would try cleaning the rolls and the ball pairs with alcohol and also inspect them for traces of rust.
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