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Error with stylus system change: Disk changed in XXT.


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Error message is in the title.
Duramax xxt t3
The machine stops right before touching the retractable door to pick up a stylus, and gives a dialog box "Error with stylus system change: Disk changed in XXT" and goes to a red light.
I re-defined the holder location, restarted the pc and the machine. cleaned the scales.
I manually attached each stylus system and automatically switched to another stylus. each system found home fine, but it always crashes 1mm from touching the holder.

any thoughts on other possibilities?
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I have 6 stylus systems and 2 holders (3 systems per holder). no matter which stylus, it stops right before touching.
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Any crashes or drops lately? I don't remember the error message but I had a similar situation after the RDS/XXT dropped down on the table. Had to replace XXT Sensor. Operator ID10T
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no crashes that the operators have acknowledged. We have had issues with the probes returning to the holder, and just dropped off. but the holder was damaged and sagging, so we replaced it. we haven't had issues with that since. all of a sudden it just wont automatically pick up any stylus system. nothing between the plates looks damaged from what I can tell.


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I know you said you did this...but the order of operations matters. We have this happen on our older DuraMax's, although I don't remember if we got this one or if it was service... however try this. If this doesn't work if may be service. But if the machine lost it's home position, then you redefined the racks, it will look for them in the wrong place... we have 1 16 year old DuraMax that loses it's home position and behaves like this every 6 months or so... as long as it get a rehomed properly before anybody redefines the rack, everything is fine in 5 minutes. I just can't remember if this is the exact same error and apparently I didn't screenshot it. But the stopping infront of the rack is familiar.

Shut the machine and Calypso Off ( shut down the whole Windows PC if you like).
Wait a good minute.
Turn on CMM. Let it fully boot. Turn on Drives. Move the Head to the Middle of all 3 Axes.
Then turn on the Windows PC
Home machine normally with nothing in the head (or just the MasterProbe if you want to avoid the error that comes up)
Now that you've rehomed, move to the limits and check the readout in the stoplight... make sure they make sense.
Assuming that's good, redefine your probe racks.
Hope nobody did any manual alignments while the machine's Home Position was in question.
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I let it sit overnight while shut down. I did what you suggested, numbers made sense. still no improvement.
I'll have it serviced, thank you for the assistance.
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Report back when you do, I'm very curious. Stopping in front of the probe rack and throwing an error has definitely been something we've run into, I'm just drawing a blank on which solution it was.
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Just thinking out loud here.
Are you able to calibrate each probe manually?

If it was something with the XXT head, I don't you'd be able to do that and if you can't , it is probably the XXT head itself.

Other than that, I guess it could be something in the Y axis at that point. Can you manually move the head up and past the rack in the y-axis?

I've never used the Chip-ID plates so I don't know what kind of error it would throw but, if you do, could it be something within that not detecting the correct plate to the correct holder location?

If you pay for the yearly SMA and have internet access at the CMM, I'd defiantly call-in and let them log-in and analyze it before scheduling service.
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In my case, I was able to qualify my styli, find rack locations and run programs. It would just stop in front of the rack with an error. Replaced XXT sensor and everything was back to normal
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I've only qualified the master probe. i havent tried qualifying any other probes yet, ill give that a shot after typing.
I dont use the Chip ID plates either. I'm able to manually switch/attach each probe, and switch from the current probe to another system. but as soon as its about to make contact with the holder to pick up the second system, it stops. i think the head should lift a little before heading into the holder, but it never reaches that point.

I am also able to manually move the head, past the point of error, even closer to the holder. above it too.
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I eventually switched another machines VAST XXT and it worked fine. I'm going to assume I need to replace the head.

thank you for the suggestions!
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