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Stylus Qualification Program


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Hi everyone,
I have a probe qualification program. I did not write it. A trainer came in helped me.....excuse me. He wrote it for me. My notes aren't clear on how to write one. The problem I am having is when I go to qualify the qualification probe. It touches off the top of the reference sphere 6 times then goes straight up a few inches and stops. And I get a small pop up that says no result. Not sure if I screwed something up. I know I haven't messed with it. Because the program is quite handy for sure.
Thanks for any assistance.

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First thing I would do, because this has fixed a similar issue in the past for me, and also because I find it a good practice to eliminate any ghosts in the system, is restart the CMM and PC. Then, in a blank program, try to manually probe on the sphere using that probe (it should generate points), ideally in the 4 cardinal directions and also one directly on top. Look at whether it makes points, and the vectors of those probes, make sure they make sense. Having a working program suddenly saying it didnt get data/no result makes me initially think hardware, potentially the controller, and this should help identify that. If it beeps but doesnt take points, or takes points but the vectors are off, thatll be a sign
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