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Stylus System Naming Limits


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When naming stylus systems, what are the limits? Is there a length limit? Are there characters that cannot be used (I know it doesn't like '&'.)?
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I know CALYPSO's standard "illegal" characters are \ / : * ? " < > | & but it wouldn't surprise me if there are more than that. There is no technical length limit that I'm aware of but I would think if you go more then 100+ you may start to see unexpected errors.
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I just tried it and created a stylus system with a 1000 chracter name. That instantly killed Calypso 🤠 , leaving behind an invalid stylus system in the hierarchy that caused an error message as soon as it was selected with the mouse 😱 So better don't mess with this name too much...

Luckily I managed to delete the stylus and hope the other styli are still intact. This is certainly something where Zeiss should implement a length check to prevent data corruption. 👩‍🏫

The name of the stylus tip seems to be limited to 100 characters. At least it got truncated to this length automatically when I tried the 1000 character name.

Btw. the probe database allows 1024 characters for both names.
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Out of curiosity, why would you want a long naming convention?

Stylus system name: "SCA" (Stylus Configuration A)

It has three styli (a fixed star)


For any styli on an RDS/XXT

A0_B90_1.0_Y- and so on.

There's no mistaking size and direction.
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While this isn't a limit.... Consider how much it might matter for the Automatic Probe change window

It truncates....and still overlaps.

Those names are:
QuadStar 1mm Rotated --- Star Port 1.5 --- TriSar 1mm Normal --- TriStar 1mm Rotated

But between the overlapping and truncating you might run into issues knowing which is which.

Stylus System Names.PNG

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Adding on to this, this list did change in older versions of Calypso. So if you are bringing in probes (or programs) from older versions, be careful of these, they may have been allowed in that version but will cause issues in the newer version. Generally I have not had issues with this in feature/characteristic names (unless it is the first character in the name), with Calypso allowing it and running fine until you open the feature/characteristic at which point it yells at you and forces you to fix the name
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