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Change Pallet Location Sequence?


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Is it posible to change the numbering on the pallet locations to go down the columns instead of across the rows? I've got 80 parts in a 2x40 grid. My Y travel is only 10mm to get from one part to the next, but it's 200mm in the X axis. I know it's possible to change the run order with loops. but is that really the best way? It would also be easier to number the parts after inspection, instead of having a column of evens and a column of odds.

Instead of this:
1 2
3 4
5 6

I want it to run like:
1 4
2 5
3 6
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First, un-select all of the icons, then manually select each location in the order that you want to run them. Yes, that is 80 clicks but it is a solution. I "assume" it will stay that way if you save the AR file
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  • 1 year later...
Loops is the easy way. 1-79 in jumps of 2, then 2-80 in jumps of 2.

That will result in 1-3-5-...-79-2-4-6-...-80.

You could also change your pallet alignment around. It will always go in X first - change your pallet alignment so X and Y are swapped. If you want, you can change your step distance negative to get the nests in the pattern you expect. Personally, I think that might be more hassle than the loop solution
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