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Something I never knew when using the search function in Calypso.
In the "Find what:" box, if you enter "_X", "_Y", or "_Z" it will find all the characteristics with those values and, it will find all Caliper Distances that use X, Y or Z measurements for results.
In the example shown, I searched for "_X", a specific text denoting a Datum.
Example; TP_Ø.060_X_Y_Z
I wanted to count how many characteristics that had an "_X" in them.
I found the search will locate the condition I wanted but also all "Caliper Distances" measuring on the "X" axis.
I do know that Caliper Distance displays the axis of the characteristic in the report, such as: "#74.1,1d6 .38_X" although it is not viewable in Calypso.

Anyone else have findings that are not public knowledge?
Add them to this post.


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Very nice! A little easier to find but on a similar note many users don't realize you can rename these _X, _Y, etc... via the "Rename Subcharacteristics" menu when right-clicking on certain characteristics such as caliper distance. (This feature was adding in CALYPSO 2020 (7.0)) 822_3ef5d6849515b413a44dc036f9e47415.jpg
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Another handy trick: Depending on what units your measurement plan is in if you type the opposite and put an "in" or "mm" after the value CALYPSO will automatically convert the value to the units of your measurement plan. This works in most fields within the software. I find it useful when setting up strategies, scanning speeds, step-widths etc... 822_eedd7fa1d5d4c5a8f9f61122ec709fb3.jpg
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If you rename a subcharacteristic from _X to _Y, does that also change the orientation of the measurement from the X axis to the Y axis?
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It will just change the name on the report. It should still report the same orientation as the selected "check-box". .
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I got carried away with the previous topic and wondered if this applied to position characteristics, too. There wasn't a rename sub-characteristics option but rather a characteristics attribute, which seemed like it might do the same thing. Help says you can edit the attributes but I can't edit anything in my example.

Is this not the same thing?

position_characteristic attribute.JPG

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Tom, Characteristics Attributes are a bit different. Under Resources > Design Custom Report > Editor for Characteristic Attributes... you have the ability to create "attributes". These are values/variables that can be assigned to individual characteristics. For example, bubble #, criticality (High, Low), etc.
Once you have created said attributes you can use the "Characteristics Attributes" option to assign said values/variables to individual characteristics. So in your case if you created an attribute called bubble number you could assign the appropriate # to Position1, Position1.Y, & Position.X as I did below. I don't believe CALYPSO will allow you to chance the sub-characteristic for positions in the same manor as caliper distances and a few others.822_cdc9339b55ff080a217bc49052f773df.jpg
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Explain this again to me but this time do it like I'm a dummy. I want to believe that you're telling me I can change the names of the position subcomponents on the report. But I feel that is not the case. For example, I don't want it to show on the report as Position.X and Position.Y, I want it to show up as Pinky and the Brain. Is this possible?
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No I don't believe CALYPSO will allow you to change the sub-characteristic for positions. It is only possible for some characteristics such as caliper distances and a few others. Position characteristics are not in this select few to my knowledge. This would have to be done via other means within PiWeb. However if you would like to make an enhancement suggestion you can do so via MyVoice and maybe something can be added in a future version: https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=1276022
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Charlie, I think that is possibly the best new thing I have learned in a long time 😃
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