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Extract Feature/Characteristic names from PMI CAD Model?


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I'm struggling to figure out how to extract feature names / Characteristic names from PMI data in a CAD file.

I'd like to be able to automatically name the characteristics by their ballon number. (i.e. #1, #4, #4.1 etc.) is there a specific way this sort of data needs to be embedded in the CAD file for calypso to understand it?

We're using Autodesk Inventor to export to STEP 242 which works fine for importing the basic PMI data like nominals and tolerancing, but getting any feature names or characteristic names to also pull in is proving difficult.

has anyone else gotten this sort of thing to work or am I approaching this problem in the wrong way?
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thanks for the article. is this functionality only available with NX? as far as I'm aware, Inventor (which is what our engineering team uses) can't export NX file types.
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