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How to clear variable upon each start


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I have a program which has a user defined variable (Serial Number) that pops up for the operator every time they run a program. This has been working fine, except sometimes an operator will forget to change the serial number, and then there is a compliance risk for us. I'm wondering if there is a way to make the variable value reset or clear every time the program is run so they have to enter a new value.
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If you have PCM yes, otherwise I don't think so. You CAN force the popup and it will mostly solve the problem

Resources> Printout Header Parameters> Check Force Input on start

But, that only forces the popup, it doesn't actually make them type anything.

We force all data entry via PCM for this exact reason.

Do you have PCM?
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If you will use that program in autorun as pallete ( even for one nest ) then it will use stored headers as defined in pallete
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I do have it as an autorun. Currently it is saving the value entered previously and is already entered when the program starts. My desire is for it to not be automatically populated. I am not necessarily concerned about them not entering anything, but not changing it.
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When it will be in autorun as pallete then headers saved will be always present on start and won't be loaded from previous start.
If you don't want to be something changeable, then open measuring program and edit start headers ( check and uncheck ) for run.
Edit headers in program and save. Now you can change that only in program and not in start.
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Thanks for the response Martin. I have the Serial Number header saved as blank, without any value. I do have it as changeable every run, it is a serial number I am having the operator input, so most run will be a different serial number unless rework on the part is needed. I do know how to set the headers to be per run or for the measurement plan. I am trying to have the header not save as the previous run.
I am not running this as a pallet, as there is only one part measured per run. I don't know if the header saving from the previous run is different with "pallets".
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On monday i can post some pictures - not having manual around.

You can use pallete even for one part. I am using this for 100% part measuring ( for customer )

When you place only meas. program on autorun, then shown headers are from last run.
For pallete you define headers, so every run it loads saved headers ( i think headers for autorun are strored within autorun file )

We have LUA script, which removes datum header ( we are rounding time to whole hours ) - then in BAT file we are changing userfields.ini to have correct rounded datum with time.
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Ah ok. I have not used pallets before, so I'll have so mess around with that a bit. And some screenshots would be helpful on how that works. Thank you.
Can you use that header then to be inputted into your filename? I am currently doing this in order to export data as a .csv file which we later parse and input into our data center. I'll have to look into this as well, you don't necessarily have to answer.
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OK so here are some pics.
Here are two pics from Calypso programing window 3001_81bdcb524cc70ae00a9f002c140d30d7.png
Check on RUN what you want to see everytime
Check on MEASUREMENT what you want to be editable only in Calypso and not autorun 3001_18859786c744e794cd07d200978b48c3.png
For one part pallet just use same alignment for pallet and part 3001_2e7427099b76e16ae9761bc78a912806.png
I found it better for editing headers to go by this route than by clicking "Define Pallet Parameters" - this way it won't make changes on selected nests on pallet 3001_7e72919ef660f0f35bc458be14c2b7b9.png
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  • 2 weeks later...
Martin, Sorry for the late reply. That worked! Thank you for taking the time to share those instructions and answer my question.

Side note: It would be nice to be able to do this without using "Pallets," and it is a little annoying that I cannot have the icon as a picture like I can for "Single Measurements". The picture will just open on the side when you click the tile.
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