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Characteristic Groups


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In AutoRun, can we force the Characteristic groups to stay open? It makes Current Selection unnecessarily difficult in large programs. PCM Options would be good too.

We used to use Text Elements to communicate Human Readable info, but those don't go to PiWeb in the versions of Calypso we have, and even the ones that do, you can't do much with them. Groups are much more useful, but this is a huge drawback

Program Saved with groups Open 3535_4b0f441b33ee0321f929082ff66b5755.png
AutoRun, All Groups always start closed.
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I/m not sure if I am answering your specific question but have you considered creating mini-plans?
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That's not the answer unfortunately. We have mini-plans and lately I've been making them from the group names which is handy in a few ways. I use PCM to control the runs based on some initial selections that coves 90% or more of the CMM runs.

But, it doesn't remove the need for current selection when somebody wants to recheck 1 feature.
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