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Automatic calibration with tilt and swivel unit


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I have made a script to perform automatic calibration using the tilt and swivel unit. At the end of the execution, I would like to save the report. Unfortunately, I obtain the following error : MSensorCal-0272 : impossible to save calibration information // Error at line xx : no calibration process running

To obtain the commands, I recorded my actions while executing the calibration measurement serie and I obtained the following lines :

gom.interactive.automation.execute_active_measurement_series ()
gom.script.calibration.save_calibration_information (file='D:/essais gom/calibration/today.txt', source='active')

When I play these lines, the measurement serie is executed correctly, but in the end, there is no information on the state of the calibration and thus, the results can't be saved. It looks like my calibration serie is interpreted as a measurement serie.

Do you have any clue on how to solve this problem ?

And by the way, is there a command to obtain the status of the calibration ok / ko ?

Thanks a lot.


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for those interested, I received an answer from the support team. It works when replacing " source, 'active' " by " source, 'system' ".



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