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AutoRun- Report Header Data


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We use Auto Run pretty much 100% of the time. It's designed so any operator can use the CMM. Works great. My primary issue is in the Report Header Data. I have it where the operator has to input a MACHINE, PALLET, and NEST. The pallet contains 12 nests.
So it can be a little time consuming, before the Autorun begins. And even worse, if there is a crash, you have to input them all over again. MACHINE, PALLET, NEST 12 times again. I am trying to see how you can SAVE the previous REPORT HEADER DATA from the run before. That would be super helpful, because the operator will, in essence not even need to change the info. The operator wouldn't have to keep inputting it over and over again. I know there is a way because i've seen it work before. I just cant figure it out. Manual doesn't show anything. Clicking the "Save" icon doesn't do anything. That only saves AutoRun config. Not the Header data. 🙁


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For pallete there is context menu "Define Measurement Plan Parameters" -> on left there is button "Printout header data"
Here you can edit value for each nest.

When you start measurement again there is button "Update printout header data from measurement plan" which will fill last used value from previous run.

I believe you can do more with PCM or BATCH script - we are using BAT to edit userfields file to edit actual time.
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