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PiWeb Reporting Error


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I tried to rename a program and began receiving this error. If I don't rename the program, it generates a report just fine.

I've tried converting the files from .dfm to .dfs but they are already in .dfs.
I've tried renaming the PiWeb databases folder to a backup folder and creating a new one but that doesn't seem to work either.

The same error appears when I tried to run the renamed program as well. I'm at a loss and not sure what the issue could be.

Previous programs I've renamed work just fine, even now when I load them up and run them.

PiWeb Error.PNG

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Hello John,

Can I ask how you changed the name of the program? I'll be honest, the "program name" is stored in several places in the background of the inspection folder and I don't know right off the top of my head which one PiWeb looks at. Even if we did, this error may be caused by it not finding that database and not being told to make a new one.

You can try renaming the database to the name of the new program, but make sure Calypso is off when you do this, though. Calypso doesn't like changing the PiWeb databases while it is open, but honestly, the easiest way would probably be to do a "save as" on the program, rename it there, and then store the original in long term back up (or delete it if you like living life dangerously).

I hope this helps.
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