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Virtual new stage


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Hello everyone,

I was asked to create a report based on a comparison between:

  • An analysis made of four samples with the GOM instruments I'm using (Atos ScanPort + Atos Core MV80)
  • The same analysis made by a supplier, with another measuring instrument

Obviously, in the second case I only have some PDFs with the results of that analysis.

So, my question is: is it possible to create one or several "virtual" (I said virtual because I have no mesh avaiable) new stages in order to import all the data from the supplier and create a complete trend analysis? And if so, which is the best way to do it?

Thank you!!


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Dear Francesco,

Unfortunately this is not possible in GOM Inspect. You need measured data from your ATOS sensor to create new stages and actual measured values at the relevant elements in these new stages.

Best regards,


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