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Super easy numbering question (probably more of a windows question)


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So we have started using the HiQa program to populate CMM results into our inspection reports, somewhat automatically.
It actually works pretty well, but we are still learning.
On my end, the CMM Programmer, all i have to do is to line up the report with the print bubbles, which i already do, and if there is multiple results of a dimension, the format needs to be 10_1, 10_2, 10_3 and so on.
This doesn't sound like a lot of work, but when i have 20 or 30 holes each with a thru hole diameter, and a counterbore diameter, and a counterbore depth, it can be mind numbingly boring changing all the numbering to 10_25, 10_26, 10_27.......
So, im thinking there has to be a way to use the fund & replace tool to speed things up. a way to add a formula of some sort. I spent some time on Youtube but all the videos there are for Excel & Word.

Does anybody know how to quickly add an "Incremental" feature into Find & replace?


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I always put the _1 at the end of what ever I name the characteristic. Then, copy and paste the characteristic. It will add a _2, the tolerances and everything thing will be set. You just have to select the new feature. Do you have to put the number at the beginning of the name?
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Our company is just getting started with HiQA as well. So, I'm sure I'll need to be doing this. Have you tried using the Default Name Allocation? Under Extras - Settings - Environment- Default Name - Check Activate Name Allocation - Open the text file - Edit the naming of your characteristic or feature (I found editing the text under "Name3" works). I've only played around with this a little, but it has saved me a lot of time on larger programs when I don't have to rename or copy and paste hundreds of features/characteristics. I've only had it increment the last column, but it looks like you can adjust the Index column in that text file. Further testing is needed.
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Nope, i know what youre saying, its how probably most of us do things, but for HiQa its got to be at the beginning.
Each line has to start off with a bubble number. If its a single entry then the rest doesnt matter, but if its a multiple it has to be formatted X_1, X_2, X_3
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well i found a way to do it, but i dont like it.
Basically i can wipe out the entire name of each line using Find & Replace, keeping only the trailing number, and add a new front number and a dash.
The result will work, but it is also sterile looking and all the "Man Readable" notation is gone.I dont like it.

Now if i can find a way to use Find & Replace to add something to the end of the line, regardless of the trailing number, that would be great


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I figured it out using the Name Allocation I mentioned before. I will post a copy of my text file I was playing with tomorrow when I get back to work. It won't help a ton on existing programs unless you delete the characteristics and make new ones. This will help a lot when writing new programs.
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If you have never used the Name Allocation, it can be a very useful tool if you like to have specific names for your features and characteristics. It took some testing to learn how it works. I would suggest making a copy of the "NamePatternDefault" text file to mess with. One of the biggest things I learned is to use the Delete button, NOT the backspace button when editing the name or numbers. In my test text file, I only edited the Diameter line to mimic what you're looking for with HiQA. Hopefully this will help you get started.

You can find the text file at C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\data\config or you can get there by Extras - Settings - Environment - Default Name - and clicking the open button under File with name Default. Make sure you check Activate Name Allocation.


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We are using Discus, similar situation except we use dots (Periods) ".".
Some typical characteristic names:
#1,1a3 Ø.300
#20,3f6 Per_.001_A
#111,2d3 TPØ.010m_A_Bm_Cm
Lastly, a diameter with 6 locations (BC).
#71.1,1g7 Ø.501
#71.2,1g7 Ø.501
#71.3,1g7 Ø.501
#71.4,1g7 Ø.501
#71.5,1g7 Ø.501
#71.6,1g7 Ø.501

The "#" sign is an identifier for the Bubble (Balloon) number, the comma is a delimiter; 1a3 is the Sheet number and Zone.
Sheet 1, Zone A3.
This makes reading reports efficient.

Attached is a screen shot of a Calypso Excel, this file has to be converted to a "csv" file for Discus. Also attached a csv screen shot.
I created a VBScript file that is activated by Calypso via a "bat" file. The script file captures the Excel file created by Calypso at run end and saves it as a csv file.
Once the file is converted, a macro retrieves the characteristic names from Column A and strips out all characters leaving nothing but a numeric value. All non-relevant rows are deleted (This is determined by specific three letter prefix abbreviations, code words and axis naming via Calypso). Coordinates have an axis identifier at the end of each characteristic created by Calypso in a report such as, ">X, .Y and .Z".
#1,1a3 Ø.300 becomes 1.
and so on.
All of this is done on the fly without human intervention.
In the end, someone, for now, has to feed Discus the correct csv file.

I see no reason why you could not do this with your naming method, with at least one change.


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we had HighQA create a custom Preset used so I can keep the numbering and naming simple. We use Print Dimension_Feature #1, #2, #3, etc. for mutiples. This has worked great for us. Maybe something to consider. I then will create a Graphic that shows the operators which hole is which to reference the report to. 1417_9f5eaea8b842687a34af269b38a63552.png
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  • 2 weeks later...

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So my boss called HiQA and asked them about doing this.
HiQA said that since we already worked with us to set our system up, they're going to "send us a estimate" for them to configure the new way.
I told my boss if it's a lot of money to tell them to get Lost (I did not say Lost)
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Hopefully you're quote won't be too bad. As I remember, we have 3-4 different preset's, and all were customized. I don't think the cost was too terrible.
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