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Datum B = 54 holes


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Nothing clear. I got to thinking, why would they need a tolerance on the surface if it is being clamped down against a flat surface. Then, it dawned on me, When you clamp the part down with Datum A facing up, you would be at the mercy of how good the opposite side was.
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I'm glad none of my aerospace customers showed me this one because I'd have told them no. Hahaha.

I understand that they are putting a tolerance on your constraint essentially, but wow they really have a huge gray area there on what you are allowed to do to achieve it.

I've certainly seen the aerospace guys use the max allowable weight per square foot to help with flatness, but this is something new to me.

I'm not a fan of having a constraint allowance, but no clear direction on how to properly constrain the part. At least the automotive guys get it right (for the most part).
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I have run into this many times.
Each time I was provided information by the customer on how the restrained state was to be controlled.
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