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Restarting measuring program in Autorun after collision with Pallet Optimizer Option


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Hi everyone,
i've just activated the licence for "Zeiss Calypso Pallet Optimizer" Option and i have a question. 😕

I'm measuring a pallet (24 pallet locations) with optimized stylus change:
Calypso measures all the features that require 1.5mm stylus for each pallet location.
Then it changes stylus system and with this second stylus (1mm) completes the measuring program
measuring the features assigned to 1mm stylus, for each pallet location.

If in Autorun the measurement plan stops at location n.21 out of 24 (due to a collision) while Calypso is measuring with 1.5mm stylus (so for each location only some features have been measured, not all), how I'm supposed to restart the CNC without loosing the measures already done?
If after the collision I click on "CNC start" , Calypso restart the entire measuring program from pallet location n.1, not from 21.

Anyone using Pallet Optimizer knows how to restart the CNC after an interruption?
Thank you in advance,
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"The only method for stopping/resuming an AutoRun inspection is by utilizing the YELLOW light in the stop-light command window. If the insepction experiences a RED light, it will need to be restarted from the beginning. See page 1211 of the CALYPSO BASIC manual for more information"
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The Zeiss / Calypso measuring philosophy considers a "red-light" collision as a severe event, however light it may have been.

Side note: When some time ago I asked support why I have to restart the whole manual probing of a complex base alignment after a very light collison near the end, causing a red light nonetheless, they even told me I need to recalibrate the stylus (which was nonsense in my case).

So yes, this is intentional behavior and I guess it won't get changed in the future.
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