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Caliper Distance


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How do you strapping lads and lasses feel about using Caliper Distance? Is there any disadvantages? I've been using it like a 2020 germophobe uses hand sanitizer...
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I use it a lot for point to OD (min) distance, on several of our parts.
it replaced what I used to use, which was a result element w/formula.
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It's great if you use it properly. The Polar one is cut, and dry. The regular one uses alignments for the distances, so make sure your alignment applies for what you are doing.
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Is there an easy method for plane distances ? So if I wanted the "caliper" distance between two planes. If the plane is not flat it could be minimum thickness anywhere, as with max thickness. I want the local "2point" distances similar to the 2 point method on diameter. As I understand it, Min , Max plane is calculated from origin ??
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  • 3 years later...

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I use it most of the time. Only time I switch to cartesian is when there is an angled plane in reference to my base alignment. Otherwise, I would need to find out what degree that angled planed is and create a secondary alignment.
Another disadvantage is when you need to flip your program. Example would be part is created laying down but then later is flipped to be standing up.
Cartesian distances will update themselves but caliper distances will need their axis changed to match the new alignment.
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There was a bug in a previous release, I believe 2018 or 2019 that was later fixed in a service pack. Make sure you are on the latest service pack for your release.
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