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Supplementing TRITOPS Target Locations for use with ATOS Triple Scan Data


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Good Morning,

Apologies if this is a dumb question.  Is it possible to supplement target information from the TRITOPS camera images and use those reference points to supplement the  ATOS Triple Scan data? It's not clear in any documentation I have seen thus far if and how those two systems can work together.  


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Hello Dan,

this is actually a very good question ? 

With a photogrammetry the reference points on the measuring object/fixture can be acquired. This is done with a camera like the TRITOP system or the "Plus Box" in our automated Scanboxes. In an ATOS measurement the previously measured reference points are then recognized and the measurement can be transformed into the photogrammetry point cloud. This way you eliminate the propagation error of many overlapping ATOS measurements in a row and it is recommended for larger parts, like scanning a whole car body.

There is a short description on our website here ATOS Plus 45M: Automated photogrammetry | process safety and reliability (gom.com) :

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