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Button filter automatic


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Dear the community,

I have some problems with PiWeb Designer, with a ProcessProtocol. I want to add a button which applied a filter like measurement attribut but directly on the report which is show after a program

For example :
We produce the same piece on 3 machines name : A / B / C.
We measure all pieces with one MMT. When we measure, we enter the machine name in ahead data
When i see the processprotocol, i would clic on button "A" or button "B" or button "C" which filter the measure by the attribut previsouly mentionned
Someone can help me ??
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  • 3 weeks later...
If I am understanding you correctly, here is one way to accomplish this.

First, create a favorite measurement selection for each of the machines you wish to filter by. To do this, set your measurement selection, click the star shaped button, and select create new favorite. In the image below, I show how to do this for a machine in my database named Mill C.
I have also done this for a machine named Mill B. I now have two favorites, one named Mill B and one named Mill C.

Now, place a button in the header of the protocol, which I see that you have done. Navigate to the properties of the button and click on hyperlink. By default, there should be the label "None". You can also set the displayed text of the Button.
In the hyperlinks menu, add the action "Open Page". Set the page to open as the SPC table page (or whatever page it is you want to apply the filter to). Then, click the checkbox next to "Apply measurement selection to target page" and choose the option for "Apply from favorites". Then select one of the favorite measurement selections that you made.
Add a second action to the button, below the Open Page action. This time, choose the "Fetch Data" action. You can choose to have the data fetch occur for only the current page or for every page in the report. I have chosen the select only the current page for this example.
Repeat these steps for each of the machines that you want to create a button for. Now the header of your report has two buttons, clicking on either will open the page you are on, apply the filter, and fetch the appropriate data.
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