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LMC and MMC printout calculations are incorrect.


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The LMC and MMC calculations for position list two values with the second value and tolerance being incorrect.
I created a simple part and in simulation and had the actual hole values was off .001 in X and .001 in Y. The diameter size of 1.00+/-.005 had the actual size as .996 (.001 larger than the MMC size of the diameter.)
The positional tolerance was set to .005.
At RFS, this should calculate to a position value of.0028. The positional tolerance listed .005
At LMC this should calculate to a position of value of .0028 and the tolerance of .014 (.005 plus .009)
At MMC this should calculate to a position of value of .0028 and the tolerance of .006 (.005 plus .001)

The RFS listed one value, and the value listed correctly.
The LMC list two values,
The first value was correct with a value of .0028 with a position tolerance of .014.
The second value had a (L) at the end of the name and it listed the measures value of .001 with a tolerance of .005. I do not know why it listed this value and why is it not correct?
The MMC list two values,
The first value was correct with a value of .0028 with a position tolerance of .006.
The second value had a (M) at the end of the name and it listed the measures value of .0023 with a tolerance of .005. I do not know why it listed this value and why is it not correct?

Why is it listing the second values for (L) and (M) and why are these values incorrect? (See attached image of report)

Values should be the same.jpgZeiss Position RFS MMC LMC error.zip

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