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Intersection 2D curve / Line


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I cut a section of a model and created a feature curve and line for intersecting. I scanned both features. You can see where Calypso created the nominal intersect point. It wouldn't calculate a result for me this time, but it has worked for me in the past using similar method. I tried to project both curve and line onto a same plane in YZ to maybe force the issue but still no result. It doesn't give me an error, just no result. It looks like it wants to calculate briefly, but doesn't populate the actuals.

Better method for doing this?


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Based on what is shown here, this is just a case of using the wrong features. A Curve does not project beyond its measured data. All calculations come from the existing measured points only. You cannot intersect with a Curve where there is no measured data. Recall the relevant Curve data points into a 3D-Line to get the intersection to calculate.
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